Thursday, February 6, 2020

CS2101: Tutorial 5 - User Guide

User Guide

1) What is gimp?
- Image processing tool
- Can do photo retouching, image reconstruction
- Use for simple paint program
- Image renderor
- Image format converted

2) What is GMU
- Project to develop completely free os and software
- GNU's not unix (glossary)

3) Compression, how to to compress image
- Export as jpeg
- choose quality

4) ctrl + M


a) table of contents
- clear structure
- long
- Readable

b)Topics sequencing
- Step by step

c) Formatting, bullets
- Some use of it
- Intro to features is cluttered sentence

d) Use of picture
- Quite huge amount of pictures use
- Clear

e) Instructions word
- Quite short and concise
- Bulleted
- Included pictures for referencing

f) Language
- Lengthy
- Some title are unnecessary "How to be a gimp wizard"
- Readable language for basic user
- No technical terms (Will be explained)
- No bombastic adjectives

- More links to the features that are talking about
- Expandable content page


The instructions are not just a series of steps. The writer provides other information as well. What kind of additional information is provided? Why?
Additional details are
- useful tips
- Specific tips for specific people
b) On this page, you’ll notice some words highlighted like this: Overwrite image-name.jpg. Why?
- This is the clickable features on the app
- To highlight to the user

c.       How are the above mark-ups different from the use of inverted commas, eg “Export Image”?
- The highlight is a feature that is clickable
- The "" signifies a option box title

d.       And how are the above different from this: Section 4.7, “Change the Mode”?
- Improve visability
- more bullet usage
- Better the colour seen

e.       I personally find the instructions here somewhat confusing and wordy.  How can they be presented more clearly?

- More bullet points in summary
- Hide lengthy unnecessary info (drop down box)

f.        Look at the paragraph below Figure 3.22. Readers need assurance that they have followed the instructions correctly. Does this paragraph provide this assurance?

- It is too lengthy
- There is no before and after. 
- Expectation of the user to know what to expect after pressing the button


- CS2101 is only mark userguide

- Introduction
Use like your talking, do not use bombastic language
    - About (One line/2line)
    - Userguide about

- Topics
Straight to the point
Explain the terms properly
Mention the picture before showing the picture

- Organisation
Bold heading
Use blue colour colouring
Consistent in format
Warnings can be red

- CallOut
Attention box to come out

- Cheat sheet
A summary of all the commands available

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