Monday, February 10, 2020

CS2101: Team A OP1

Active lisntening and nonverbal communication

1. Show a negative example
2. Yi Jing
The importance of body language
- The most important is hearing what isnt said
- Body langague
First impression
- It is important
- Percieve
- First impression creation by body language
- 4 times the impact
- Someone will mentally label you

Verbal non verbal alighmnet
- Approporiate body language
- Folding arms contradict openness

Some body languge tricks
- Hand gestures
Appropriate will show as if its warm
Passionate, over gesturesing
Becareful the number of hand gestures
Keep gestures grounded (hands ar waist height)
Face to face communication: Trust intamcy capture attenion, engage participatns
Leaning in slightly: Interested, too much will be too bad

Body tricks
1. Tilt your head
- Appear vulnerable (Show neck)
- Effective for negotiation/Debate
2.  Maintain Appropraite eye contact
- Confidence
- Trust between
- Socially anxious
- Hiding
To much:
- Intense
- Too scared
- Not interested
- Unsure
(70 percent base line)
Look at the erosn when u wan to talk and look away to present when your thinking

3. Open palsm of hands
Shows that there is nothing to hide
SHow mentally openness
Come off as credible

4. Glove handshakes
- Use both hands to envelope others
- Higher left hand
- Show warmth and kindness

Do not do it with someone with people u do not know
Do it with familiar
(whar if its a higher up but u know the person)

5. Ve a mirror
Closeness and acceptance
Mutual understanding
Feel comfortable

-Position of arms
- Timbre of voice
- Facial Expression (COpy??)

Active listening
Some practices
definition: More than being silent
Pop question and provide insights
shld flow both ways instead of one sidded ones

1. Pay attention
Put away distracting thoughts
Avoid being distracted by other factors
repeat the speakers words mentally

2. Show that you are lisntening
Maintain eye contact
smile and use other facial expression
Maintain open posture
Small verbal comments
(In the video, there is this part where it sounds like the listener click his tongue)

3. Emphathy
Relate to the speakers feeling
Share a similar story
Make srue that that speaker understands
Showing compassion to connect to estabish mutual trsut

(What if you cant have a similar story)

4. Roadblocks of communication
- Ordering
- Critisiing
- Using logic

<Do not criticise someone/ Judgement>
- Make someone feel inferior
(But what if the advice turn out to be taken badly)

Logic and facts make someone resentful
How do we help them?
- Lead them to find their own solution
People do not like to be proven that they are wrong
Ask them and encourage them
80 percent of the time 20 percent talking
It is okay to take a break to collect your own toughts

Most of us never listen

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