Saturday, January 18, 2020

CS2101: Oral presentation skills


Body language- take a stand!

Standing in ready position
Knees slightly forward, hand to gesture
- Confident
- secure

Standing with hands in the back
- People will be wondering whats at the back
Standing in weird position
- Comes of as insecure
Standing with hands in the front
- Comes of as insecure as you are covering your lower abdomen

Try not to use a podium as it creates an blockage between you and the audience

Swaying will distract the audience
Put your weight on the balls of your feet so that we will not be tempted to be swaying
DO not wander

Take considerate amount of steps
- Around 2
- 3 will come off as aggressive

1. Standing position, always be in ready position to come of as appealing to audience
2. Stand still, swaying distract audience
3. Walk a considerate amount of steps during presentation.

Life after death by powerpoint

How not to do powerpoint
1. Large chunky text
2. Font size
Must be just nice, text be stationary,
3. Font must be professional
Comic sans
Courier new - organised and structured
All small letters- quiet , shy and unassertive
4. Do not use too many bullet point
Only use it for important
5. Use less animation
6. Use less acronym
7. Only use graph when it is important, do not misuse

1. Be mindful of the information place in the slides
- No large chunky text, nice font size and font must be professional, use less acronyms as possible
2. Do not use too many bullet points
Too many can hide what is actually important from the audience
3.  Be mindful of the visuals in the presentation
Unnecessary charts, animation


5 ways to open up your presentation:

1. Relevant opening
Relevant content
2. Asking a question or create statistics
3. Interesting opening

Having a strong close:
1. Give a short summary to recap the points/ restating the title
2. Call to action and personal tagline
3. Endings quote must be credible and relevant


1. Structure of content
2. Practice
Memorise only impactful part
Use visual aids like cards but dun keep looking
3. Catchy headline
Steve job Use something in the air, to talk about the new iphone and mac book air


Q and A part
1. I don't know technicque
2. Someone who hates you
- Thank them
- Think about what they are asking you, they might bring up important points
- Come up with answers that will satisfied
- Thank them for the question but misdirect
3. Introduce next speaker
- Summaries
- Introduce next speaker
their name, title, where from, what is he gonna talk about
- Tell the next speaker that it is his turn to speak


1. Greet your anxiety, be prepared for nervousness
2. FOcus on audience more than ourselves
3. Write down the fear to get it out of our head
4. Reframe your presentation as a conversation rather than a script

How to overcome fear of public speaking
1. Use relaxation technique
Breathing technique
T breathing technique
2. Ease into eye contact
Slowly look at their forehead or look at the glasses rim

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